In a quaint school nestled in the countryside, there was a dedicated teacher named Mrs. Thompson who had a passion for storytelling. Every afternoon, she would gather her students around her and read tales of adventure and wonder from her favorite books. The children, eager and enthusiastic, would listen intently to the stories, their imaginations ignited by the vivid worlds that unfolded before them.


One sunny afternoon, as the school day came to a close, Mrs. Thompson sat at her desk with two little girls, Emily and Sarah, by her side. She opened her treasured book and began to read about a distant land filled with magical creatures and courageous heroes. As she read, the girls were spellbound by her words, envisioning the fantastical realm that came to life before them.


The story transported them all to a world of enchantment, and they found themselves embarking on a thrilling adventure alongside the brave characters in the tale. They encountered daunting challenges, made new friends, and experienced the triumph of good over evil.


As the final chapters were read and the story came to a close, Mrs. Thompson closed the book, and the girls sat in awe, their minds still lingering in the captivating world of the story. As they gathered their belongings and bid Mrs. Thompson farewell for the day, they knew that the magic of storytelling would stay with them, sparking their creativity and fueling their dreams. Mrs. Thompson felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that she had instilled in her students a love for reading and the boundless power of imagination.

This is what happens right at Cornerstone Canadian School. We carefully build the children’s literacy skills.

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